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  • 产地: 喀麦隆
  • 供应类型: OEM服务
  • 处理时间: 12DAYS
  • 最低订购: 500


  • 员工总数 5
  • 年收入 5万美元-10万美元

We offer high grade dried seahorse of all sizes and all colors. Our dried seahorse is 100% sun dried and processed by the finest experts. Our dried seahorse has no dirt, no mud, no sand, and no chemical. Our dried seahorse is exported along side valid export documents such as the CITES permit. Packing is done according to customer specifications. Delivery is done via air cargo and via courier services with a maximium delivery period of 7 working days.We can supply in all quantities and we can ship to any destination. via or telefor information regarding our dried grade dried seahorse of all sizes and all colors


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