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HIFEM 纤薄美容机 A37

  • 产地: 中国
  • 供应类型: OEM服务
  • 处理时间: 为期7天


  • 员工总数 5
  • 年收入 2.5万美元-5万美元

HIFEM 纤薄美容机 A37

Slim beauty muscle instrument uses non-invasive HIFEM technology to release high-frequency magnetic vibration energy through two large treatment handles to penetrate the muscles to a depth of 8cm, and induce continuous expansion and contraction of muscles to achieve high-frequency extreme training , to deepen the growth of myofibrils (muscle enlargement), and produce new collagen chains and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia), thereby training and increasing muscle density and volume.

The 100% limit muscle contraction of HIFEM technology can trigger a lot of lipolysis, Fatty acids are broken down from triglyceric acid, and accumulated in large amounts in fat . The fatty acid concentration is too high, which will cause fat to apoptosis and be excreted from the body by normal metabolism within a few weeks. Therefore, HIFEM beauty muscle instrument can strengthen and increase muscles while achieving the effect of reducing fat.

北京新科赫伦科技发展有限公司成立于1999年,是一家专业生产医疗美容设备的高科技制造商。 Sincoheren有自己的研发部门、工厂、质量控制部门、国际销售部门、经销商和售后服务部门。

近20年来,Sincoheren先后开发了医用激光皮肤治疗仪(N d Y ag Laser)、强脉冲光医疗器械、射频瘦身机、纹身去除机、激光脱毛仪、点阵CO 2 激光设备、Coolplas脂肪冷冻机。库玛形状机。我们的设备种类繁多,从IPL系列、激光系列、RF系列到空化系列。 Coolplas、Monaliza 和 Razorlase 是我们的品牌。可靠的质量和周到的售后服务得到了广大客户的好评。 Sincoheren为众多经销商和医疗美容机构提供专业的ODM服务。

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