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YJBN Co., Ltd. Cellreborn Cellrebiome茶树洗发水(防脱发)

  • 产地: 韩国
  • 供应类型: OEM服务
  • 最低订购: 3000


重量 500g
到期日 10 年 2026 月 XNUMX 日
特征 含有CGE-V1成分/植物成分
尺寸(容量) 430ml


  • 员工总数 501-1000
  • 年收入
ebiome Tea Tree Shampoo (Anti Hair Loss)
[ 防脱发生发洗发水 ]
As part of the formulation of ebiome Tea Tree Shampoo, niacinamide, salicylic acid, and dexpanthenol are present to contribute to the maintenance of the hair and scalp condition in order to prevent and relieve the symptoms of hair loss. (Functional Hair Loss & Thinning Hair Shampoo) The product contains EBORN's exclusive botanical patent ingredient 'CGE-V1 COMPLEX' (No. 10-2360708), lactobacillus fermented product, and biotin to nourish the scalp and hair. It is free of harmful ingredients such as CMIT/MIT, paraben, mineral oil, and BHT, and since it's silicone-free, you can use it with confidence. To maintain a healthy scalp and hair environment, It has a slightly acidic as well as plant-derived surfactants to minimize irritation on the skin. Tea tree, lavender, geranium, and eucalyptus are used in this premium botanical scalp care shampoo to add freshness from nature to the hair.
[ 不含硅胶、CMIT/MIT、对羟基苯甲酸酯、矿物油、BHT ]
[ CGE-V1 COMPLEX(已获得韩国专利 [No. 10-2360708]) ]
用天然植物能量克服脱发。 CGE-V1 COMPLEX成分是通过15种在舒缓效果和头皮营养方面发挥重要作用的天然植物成分混合而成的,是一种有望预防脱发的“防脱发促进生发成分”损失。本专利涉及一种用于预防脱发和促进毛发生长的组合物,更具体地讲,其表现出皮肤增殖作用,以促进毛发生长和生长,平滑皮肤血液循环,同时改善头皮瘙痒。本发明涉及一种防脱发促生组合物,其能够促进毛发生长。
狭叶根提取物、乳酸杆菌/槲寄生叶/枝发酵提取物、黄檀提取物、板栗壳斗提取物、细辛提取物、何首乌根提取物、大豆籽提取物、积雪草提取物, 茶花叶提取物、马齿苋提取物、人参根提取物、枸杞果提取物、红花花提取物、东方生物叶提取物、当归提取物
生物素、富勒烯、成纤维细胞生长因子 (FGF)、表皮生长因子 (EGF)
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