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LED SAVER有限公司 Vela

  • 产地: 韩国
  • 供应类型: 库存
  • 最低订购: 500


  • 员工总数 501-1000
  • 年收入
- Luna Square Vela is a mood/feeding lamp for children who are sensitive to light and sound. The main functions are on/off, brightness control, timer, and motion switch functions, and the biggest advantage is that these functions can be operated using smartapplications through a Bluetooth connection.The reason why smart are designed to be operated using smart rather than direct is that they are a big part of modern people's lives, and most users live within easy reach so that they can be used at any time. (ex. pants pockets, beds, bellows, tables, etc.)
✔ 主要特点
- 亮度调节范围为 0 至 100% · 通过应用程序进行 0 至 100 的细粒度亮度调节 · 可以使用位于前面的触摸开关调节 5 级亮度
- 定时器功能(10 分钟,最长 60 分钟)· 通过应用程序中的定时器设置自动关闭
- Motion Switch· Regardless of whether the smartis locked or not, with the display screen on, shake the smartlightly from side to side
Luna Square 开/关可用
- Multi-Pairing· Sign up for and use with multiple smart
- Automatic pairing· Automatically pair within Bluetooth communication distance between Luna Square and smart/span>
- 保存旧的操作状态内存·将上次用户设置的亮度保存到内存中,即使应用程序或产品断电也保持相应的亮度完好
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