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维纳斯 Versa 激光

  • 产地: 印度尼西亚
  • 供应类型: OEM服务
  • 处理时间: 4 - 5天
  • 最低订购: 1


  • 员工总数 51-100
  • 年收入 1万美元-2.5万美元

Body contouring, lite reduction, skin tightening, and wrinkle reduction :

Unique combination of Multi-Polar Radio Frequency (RF) and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF)Multi-Polar RF uses a complex algorithm to deliver homogeneous energy and volumetric heating to multiple tissue depths, allowing for quick and safe buildup of heat and easy maintenance of therapeutic temperature throughout the treatmentEffect of Multi-Polar RF is enhanced by PEMF, a non-thermal mechanism emitted through the applicator’s electrodesThrough synergistic (MP)2, RF heats and directly stimulates fibroblasts, while PEMF is known to promote angiogenesis and induce fibroblast proliferation through release of the growth factor FGF-2, resulting in increased collagen synthesis2(MP)2 is therefore effective in collagen remodeling for body contouring via skin tightening, lite reduction, and wrinkle reduction, and the creation of new capillaries for renewal of blood supply3

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