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  • 产地: 德国
  • 供应类型: OEM服务
  • 处理时间: 5个工作日
  • 最低订购: 200


  • 员工总数 51-100
  • 年收入 10万美元-50万美元

旧瓦楞纸板 OCC 11OCC consists of corrugated containers having test te, or Kraft. Prohibitive Materials may not exceed 1% Total Out throws may not exceed 5%

Double-Sorted Old Corrugated Cardboards (DSOCC) 双重分类 OCC 由室内工业来源产生的废瓦楞纸箱组成。纸箱在源头进行分类,并在打包前再次分类,以提供最干净、最干燥的消费后未漂白牛皮纸。

Soft White Shavings/ White paper cuttingsConsists of baled unprinted coated and uncoated shaving and sheets of white ground wood free printing paper. Prohibitive materials none permitted Total out throws may not exceed 1%

ONP & OINPOften referred to as (ONP and OINP) as classified by the US Institute of Scrap Recycling:“Consists of sorted, fresh newspapers, not sunburned, free from magazines, white blank, pressroom over-issues, and paper other than news, containing not more than the normal percentage of rotogravure and colored sections.”

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