尊敬的先生女士,我们是一家位于新西兰的贸易公司。我们公司有意订购舞蹈优胜者的奖牌丝带挂绳。以下是我们需要的产品信息:类型,纯紫红色丝带(我已附上样式,但我们不想要条纹奖牌丝带,我们想要纯粉色。材料,纯色用途,用于奖牌什么类型 显示更多...
Dear Mr Mrs,We are a trading company based in New Zealand. Our company is interested to order Medal Ribbon Lanyard for Dancing Winners.Here is the informations about the product that we need:Type, plain fuschia pink ribbons (I have attached to of style but we don't want striped medal ribbon we want plain pink. Material, plainUse, for medalsWhat types of packaging do you usually use for this product? No packagingWe also would like printed ribbons. I can send you tos of what we need. the attached pink tos are for colour. I have attached a black printed ribbon. I want pink ribbon with black writing. Wish to hear from you soon.Yours faithfullyKateRAW Dance New Zealand Ltd This Message is from mobile