亲爱的女士们,先生们。我们是银饰和时尚珠宝的批发商和进口商,正在寻找穿孔珠宝供应商制造商。我们对钛和钢 316 L 感兴趣。请发送价目表并提供价格样本:1200 根香蕉,钢 316 L,奥地利水晶屁股。颜色和尺寸。 1200 香蕉钛,奥地利 显示更多...
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen. We are wholesellers and importers for silver and fashion jewelry and looking for a piercing jewelry supplier manufacturer.We are interested in Titanium and Steel 316 L. Please send pricelist and give pricesample for:1200 bananas ,Steel 316 l, austrian crystal .coulors and sizes. 1200 bananas titanium ,austrian crystal,.colours and sizes I will come to Seoul from the 22.05-26.05.2001 .Thank you,with best regards. Andreas