亲爱的关心,我们是一家总部位于法国的贸易公司。我们从阿里巴巴网站找到了适用于俄罗斯市场的 ATV 轮胎 25x10-12。以下是我们需要的产品信息:型号、用途、类型、我的订单需要多长时间才能到达法国?请回答上述问题。看起来并谢谢你bompardbom 显示更多...
Dear Concern, We are a trading company based in France. We have found your ATV TIRE 25x10-12 for Russian market from Alibaba website. here is the information about the product that we need: Model Use, Type, how long would it take to get my order to France? please us with the answers to the questions listed above. looks and thank youbompardbompard arrives This Message is from mobile